Our Big 7 Values
Worship is the experience of communion with the living and holy God which leads to an awareness of His holiness, majesty, and grace.
-We want to see every follower of Christ established in a growing relationship with God that is marked by a wholehearted pursuit of God, the development of Christ-like character, and a life of worship. We believe that worship is a lifestyle. We value corporate worship services as a time of praise and worship through teaching, singing, scripture, and ordinances as a faith family.
(Luke 19:37-40)
Biblical preaching is the authoritative proclaimation of the Word of God in a way that is not only trustworthy in its interpretation but speaks to the contemporary listener in a clear, convicting, applicable, and life-changing way.
-We believe the best way to accomplish the goal of biblical preaching is through expository sermons. That is the emphasis, shape, and content of the sermon is completely submitted to the emphasis, shape, and content of the text. We do not want to preach a topic and find verses to support it; instead we want to take a biblical text and communicate the truth found in it.
Prayer is spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him. Christians listen to God by reading the Bible and allowing the Holy Spirit to apply the timeless truths of His Word to our lives.
-We believe in the importance of prayer. As 1 Thessalonians 5:17 states, we should “pray without ceasing.” Prayer is essential to the relationship of the believer with his Father.
Evangelism is the presentation of the gospel in a clear, uncompromising way so that our communities, both local and worldwide, may come to a personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
-We believe that God places us in spheres of influence to bring Him glory and to lead others to Him.
Fellowship is participating with other believers in openly expressing the love of Christ.
-We believe the Church is not a building, but a community of believers; therefore, we are to live in fellowship and community with one another. We also believe the New Testament gives us clear teaching that Biblical Converts (regenerate believers) were a part of the Christian community. We do not believe that a true convert of Christ will live a life apart from the Community of Christ; His church. Community is demonstrated through active membership participation and small group involvement.
Stewardship is the encouragement of each member to accept responsibility in the use of time, talents, and substance -- both personal and corporate -- in the service of Jesus Christ. Stewardship is utilizing and managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation.
We believe the central essence of biblical worldview stewardship is managing everything God brings into the believer's life in a manner that honors God and impacts eternity. We believe everything given to us is given by God, for God, and is to be used for His glory. Our jobs, families, friends, bank accounts, and health must all be used to bring God glory and impact eternity.
Service is the act of doing work for showing God’s love to others with a willing heart.
-We believe service is not measuring the amount of our activity or business; the motive of our service is love. Everyone is your neighbor, and you love your neighbor by providing him service when he is in need. Our service is not to perform philanthropy but to grow relationships with others so they might come to know Christ. This is our hearts’ cry as we serve each other and our community that they will be drawn to Christ in us – not us.